Let me preface this with a couple things: #

  1. yes, it would be easier and faster to learn 11ty

  2. no, you should not use my SSG when Its in a more functional state

Now thats out of the way, why? #

My main reason is that it sounded like a fun project, im building it in python, which is the wrong thing to be using for this, I know, but thats the language I know most fluently (rust is getting up there though). Its plenty fast for generating a few blog posts here and there for my little nekoweb site.

Another reason I really wanted to make a custom SSG was to tailor it specifically to my needs and usage habbits, I dont like how nunjucks reads, and the whole thing just feels a little overkill for my use, and the whole thing is making me not want to work on this site because of the big learning curve and added complexity.

okay, so what are my needs? #

mostly things that nunjucks and 11ty can do by themselves, but ite more fun this way.

automated blog posts #

I want a built in blog tool, super easy to set up with one "keyword", but still pretty customizable with tags and everything inside metadata like njk.

inject templates #

Pretty self explanitory, put .md files and other layouts into exiting ones.

reverse html conversion #

This is a long term goal, but I would love to make the html able to compile back into the .blu files that im using as my modified html files.

Im thinking ill use comments for this to refrence the original files they are from. The reason I want to do this is so that I can do small fixes and things like that in the nekoweb html editor without having to fire up an entire ide.

I still dont get it.. #

Thats ok! This is a silly little project im making for the expirience and so that I want to keep updating this site, I tend to get a ton of comments like "why are you wasting your time with that" and "thats dumb." Those are A, very lazy, 2. discouraging of learning C. not really for you to decide if its cool or not.

I do most of this stuff for myself, and like to show it off when I can, if you dont like it, do it better or somthing, idc

anyways, that got a little angry sounding, Its not like that. Go enjoy your projects, have fun, and learn something interesting~